Foundation Production Brief

The coursework brief includes creating a front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images are made to be original, produced by me. The music magazine will also include a minimum of four images. The technology will include digital photography and manipulition. It will also include desktop publishing. My theoretical understanding of the coursework will include print conventions, audience and mode of address. making meaning through still image and media language, semiotics, layers of interpretation, media and identity, the music industry and the music press, popular culture and youth representation.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Thursday 1 April 2010

Front Cover

Contents Page

Double Page Spread

Pictures taken to use for the magazine

I have chosen to use this photo as the image of the R&B artist, 'Leah Lopez' on my contents page. I have chosen to use this photo because I feel that it is suited to the genre of the magazine, I have dressed my model in the same outfit (puffer jacket with a fur hood and a thick gold chain with black ribbon), as she wore for the front cover. However I have used a different pose and shot (medium close up) for this one.