Foundation Production Brief

The coursework brief includes creating a front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images are made to be original, produced by me. The music magazine will also include a minimum of four images. The technology will include digital photography and manipulition. It will also include desktop publishing. My theoretical understanding of the coursework will include print conventions, audience and mode of address. making meaning through still image and media language, semiotics, layers of interpretation, media and identity, the music industry and the music press, popular culture and youth representation.

Thursday 11 February 2010

The textual analysis for the 3rd example of a music magazine cover

The 3rd example of a music magzine cover, like the 1st and 2nd example, is also conventional. The header of the page is the slogan of the magazine. It also has the sell lines, this appeals to the target readers (16-24) and suggests the genre of the magazine (pop indie). There are also offers for the readers, for example, ' All the months albums, gigs,films nad DVDs reviewed and rated'. The composition of the title/masthead of the magazine is conventional as it is positioned behind the artists. The magazine also has the date/issue, price and the magazines website, this reveals convergence as their target audience can also use the website to find out more about the music they listen to, this also gives them a chance to catch celeb updates, this can be classified as surviellance in the uses and criticism audience theory. The group' Coldplay' is the focal point of the music magazine cover; this suggests what the interview is about or the person/people being interviewed. The clothing of the music artists represent their genre of music which is modern day pop indie, they are dressed in punky clothing; leather jacket. The lead singer has a tattoo on his hand that has no obvious meaning, however the target audience for this type of magazine may be able to identify with it. The front cover also has personal relationships/ surveillence; looking into the private lives of musicians rather than their music, this is similar to the conventions of a celeb magazine. This is ecxpected from a music magazine- in terms of music updates. The music magazine also has the name of the a really big music journalist, 'Miranda Sawyer', this can also be seen as a sell line, as she also writes for the Obsrever ( Music Editor). the group look emotionless; this links to the main story of the magazine, as the main story/ interview, 'World Exclusive- Coldplay-Four months of fear, tantrums and nudity', may reveal why the group singers have the emotionless expression. There are also smaller iamges showing what allowing the audience to see what is in the magazine, for example, images of U2 and Bloc Party.The magazine also has the name of the group, 'Coldplay', in a bright colour (yellow) this is to catch the readers attention. This is the uinque selling point of the magazine. Other techniques are used, such as features like, ' Essential music guide. They also use the use of rhyme, for example, 'Q review', which is catchy and cdan also be classified as a sell line. The magazine also has a barcode.

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