Foundation Production Brief

The coursework brief includes creating a front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images are made to be original, produced by me. The music magazine will also include a minimum of four images. The technology will include digital photography and manipulition. It will also include desktop publishing. My theoretical understanding of the coursework will include print conventions, audience and mode of address. making meaning through still image and media language, semiotics, layers of interpretation, media and identity, the music industry and the music press, popular culture and youth representation.

Thursday 11 February 2010

The textual analysis of the 2nd contents page

The layout of this contents page is conventional, the contents page has the title of the magazine as the header and the date/issue. There is the use of one image. The image may be part of the feature but not necessarily the main feature. The close-up image of the artist James Blunt is also part of the unique selling point. The emotional expression on his face relates to the music he produces which is mainstream indie music, the reading on may reveal the reason for this. There is a limited use of colour on the contents page; black, white, red. This is expected from this magazine as most magazines use limited colour; this makes it easier for the readers to read it also looks professional. The contents also includes features; such as, 'burgers guide', 'why I love Lennon' and 'the 25 most pathetic rock stars', these are an additional to the issue which also help to sell the magazine. They also suggest that the readers like not just contempary music but also music from the late 60's and 70's as there is a reference to John Lennon, it also shows that readers don't just read the magazine for information but for humour as well.

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